CLIENT: Eshark

DATE: 05-07-2019

CATEGORY: 3D Motion Graphics

Project Brief

Eshark approached us with video needs for their new line of gaming mice, headphones and keyboards. They wanted to create a video collection that can compete with some of the top players in the space.


2D animation was out of option for this project so Eshark provided us with factory STP files of all products. We then proceeded with polishing and texturing the models, followed by animation and light setup.

Since projects were pretty heavy for a single CPU render, we sent out the prepared files to render farm for a fast delivery. Upon receiving rendered sequences, After Effects was used to add final touches.

We created backgrounds, animated graphic elements, text and optical flares to finish up the individual videos.

Key point of each video was to sync it with audio so music choice was crucial and we were very happy how each video turned out regarding that.


Our client was very happy with the result and our videos were used in Facebook and Instagram campaigns to promote the Eshark brand, first with teasers and afterwards with full product videos.

Audience had very positive reaction to the videos and as a result of that, we’ll be creating even more product promos for them in the following months.

We have uploaded some of them below, so enjoy!


We love to listen and we're waiting to talk with you regarding your project. Get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
K. P. Krešimira IV 11/5, 44320 Kutina, Croatia 00 385 98 434 630